Ipek Eginli / Michael Zerang Duo

Ipek Eginli – piano

Michael Zerang – percussion

Ipek Eginli is a Turkish-American experimental sound artist and improviser who describes her music-making as “a process of a creation and a creation of a process.” Her ever-evolving creative process involves electroacoustic free improvisation on piano, voice, modular synthesizers, and no-input mixing boards. Eginli’s work is often described as adventurous, daring, playful, and vibrant. Watching her perform, one can witness a dynamic sonic exploration, effortlessly shifting between organic and mechanical sounds while evoking a range of emotions, from tender and soft to dark and explosive. She explores the convergence of acoustic and electronic sounds, blurring and, at times, overemphasizing the lines between the two to create surprising sonic illusions and interactions.

Also on the bill:

Fred Jackson

Jack Langdon

Andrew Scott Young

Adam Shead

More: https://ipekeginli.com/about-2/

Ipek EginliIpek Eginli





Hungry Brain

2319 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618